Q: What does Behr Sports Performance Training do?

A: Randy's knowledge and experience in advanced sports specific training protocols give athletes a competitive advantage by improving their speed, power, agility and efficiencies.

Q: What is Performance Sports Training?

A: Training focused on improving an athlete's in sport performance or return to sport from an injury or long lay-off. It is all about developing a competitive advantage in sport.

Q: What is Randy's philosophy?

A: The foundation of our success comes through our approach to athlete development. We provide athletes with the answers to becoming a faster, quicker and more intelligent competitor. We test athletes to determine a performance baseline and identify areas where they can create separation from their peers. We teach athletes the same methods used by many of today’s top professional and Olympic athletes to improve sport and position specific movement skills. We teach athletes what they need to do to get better. Then we train using proven programs featuring our technology, individualized training protocols and real-time analysis to give every athlete the ultimate performance sports training experience.

Q: What makes Behr Sports Performance Training different than other training centers?

A: Behr Sports Performance Training approach to an athlete's development has been refined through more than 30 years of taking an evidence-based approach to validate training protocols and document performance improvements. The application of our equipment and a commitment to advanced trainer certification and continuing education programs have allowed us to deliver a training experience that challenges an athlete to improve every time they arrive to work-out. Each training program is age appropriate and is based on the athlete's performance test as well as their goals, creating an individualized program proven to have the best chance of success through our 30 years of collective experience.

Q: How do you do it?

A: We offer individualized training programs which follow proven based protocols. Over the years we've proven it takes time to adopt technique habits we establish and the body to absorb the full benefit of the specialized sport training.

Q: Will it work for me / my athlete?

A: Our training has “worked” for over many athletes, from from youths to the pros, novice to varsity, or recreational to the most serious. Our training programs have proven performance improvements.